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Author: Jessica Lee

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Today is the 50th anniversary of Title IX being signed into law! While the landmark law prohibiting sex discrimination in education has long protected pregnant and parenting students, we know more protections are sorely needed to make Title IX’s promise of gender equity in education a...

New research from the Pregnant Scholar and a cross-institutional team revealed that amongst the top-rated medical schools only 14% of the schools reviewed had substantive, stand-alone parental leave policies, while the majority of schools had leave of absence policies without mention of parental leave. The...

In the fall of 2020, Marcella Mares made headlines by standing up to a professor who refused to let her breastfeed her baby in a virtual class. Marcella is in her 3rd year of studying for her AA in Criminal Justice at Fresno City College. Her...

The Pregnant Scholar is always looking for examples of what works in supporting pregnant and parenting students. Our users can submit examples of promising university policies or practices for inclusion in our directory and/or blog. [button size="medium" icon="" target="_self" text="Share Your Policy" link=""] One of the first university systems...

[caption id="attachment_17770" align="alignright" width="258"] Photo courtesy of Public Justice[/caption] The Pregnant Scholar team is proud to feature this conversation with Kamaria Downs as part of our Pregnant Scholar Profiles. When Kamaria was a senior at Claflin University, the University evicted her from student housing because she was pregnant—a...

With the start of a new school year, the Pregnant Scholar team is happy to launch this first in a series of Pregnant Scholar Profiles! Every month we'll share insight from a student parent who stayed on the path to achieving their educational goals. Click...

2024 Title IX Rule vacated by federal court! To learn more and be the first to receive our updated materials, visit our Title IX Updates page.