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For Students

Title IX is a federal law that is meant to protect YOU! Knowing your Title IX rights is the first step in securing rights for yourself and for other students. 


Multitasking young woman in hijab offering her baby milk from bottle while working in the library

Sex discrimination in education is ILLEGAL, and Title IX bans discrimination on the basis of past, potential, or current pregnancy or related conditions. Title IX also gives students the right to changes and time off when needed for pregnancy and related conditions.  Keep reading to learn more about what Title IX covers, what your rights are under Title IX, and some frequently asked questions from students like you. 


If you need direct support, please contact us here: If you are already well-versed in your rights under Title IX, and are looking for ways to create and better implement best practice policies on your campus, check out our toolkits



Title IX Basics 

Know Your Rights:

Frequently Asked Questions 

Resources and Tools 

Get Direct Support 


New Title IX Regulations are HERE! To learn more and be the first to receive our updated materials, visit our Title IX Updates page.