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AB 2881 Website and Communications Tools

Template Website Language

By February 1, 2023, California colleges and universities covered by the law will be expected to have a webpage specific to student parent supports. Institutions must provide the student parent internet web page link to students as a part of campus orientations. Colleges and universities must also provide the student parent webpage link to faculty and encourage faculty to include the link in their syllabi. To ensure that the student parent internet web page remains useful to student parents, the student parent web page must be reviewed and updated (if necessary) no later than the first day of every fall and spring semester or no later than the first day of every fall and spring quarter. For a checklist of items that must be included and template language you can copy and paste, view our guide in pdf.

Other Communications Tools

In addition to the template webpage text, please consider our Title IX Communications Guide before building out your student parent webpage. 

Share information with student parents about priority registration on your campus through flyers and social media graphics. The following templates are editable in pdf.

Want real-world examples? will be updated with California examples as more institutions create their student parent webpages.

New Title IX Regulations are HERE! To learn more and be the first to receive our updated materials, visit our Title IX Updates page.