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Posters and Social Media Images


Letter Sized Posters for Office Printers | Letter Sized Posters for Professional Printers

11 x 17 Posters for Office Printers


Preview of flyer for pregnant students

This flyer contains basic information on pregnant students’ Title IX rights.

Download here.

For text of a handout that meets the Title IX Coordinator notification requirements, see here.

Social Media Images

Spread the word by sharing the following images on social media!

You are protected under Title IX Image
Lactating students have rights image
Fillable lactating student info graphic

Title IX bans pregnancy discrmination image
Abortion/miscarriage leave graphic
Abortion discrimination graphic
Pregnant Scholar Helpline information graphic
2024 Title IX Rule vacated by federal court! To learn more and be the first to receive our updated materials, visit our Title IX Updates page.